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Legal Notice


DLO is an association of lawyers incorporated as a Limited Liability Company (SRL) with company number BE 0478.384.006. It is located at 20 Place Albert Leemans, 1050 Brussels.

It can be reached by phone +32/2/343.13.60, fax +32/2/347.05.65 or email

DLO is subject to VAT.

The lawyers of the DLO Association practice their profession as members of the Dewit Law Office SRL. They are registered with the Roll of the French-speaking Order of Lawyers of the Brussels Bar or the Roll of the Dutch-speaking Order of Lawyers of the Brussels Bar (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten bij de Balie te Brussel or NOAB). They are subject to strict professional rules ensuring adherence to ethical standards.

All the ethical rules applicable to lawyers are outlined in the Code of Ethics.

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The first-level professional liability of our lawyers is insured up to 1,250,000.00 EUR by the insurance company ETHIAS (headquartered at 24 Rue des Croisiers, 4000 Liège). This insurance has been taken out by the various bar associations for the lawyer's clients.

A second tranche of professional liability insurance, up to 2,500,000.00 EUR, is provided by the insurance company ETHIAS (headquartered at 24 Rue des Croisiers, 4000 Liège).

A third tranche of professional liability insurance, up to 7,500,000.00 EUR, is provided by the insurance company HDI (headquartered at Platz 1, 30659 Hannover, Germany).

A fourth tranche of professional liability insurance, up to 10,000,000.00 EUR, is provided by the insurance company AIG Europe SA (headquartered at 35D Avenue JF Kennedy, 1855 Luxembourg).

The coverage provided by these insurance policies applies worldwide, except for the United States of America and Canada, subject to the terms and exceptions specified in the insurance policies.

Our lawyers will determine the fees for the services provided in your case based on what was discussed with you during the initial consultation, either by phone or in person. Depending on the nature of your request, the type of case, its complexity and the level of urgency, an hourly rate, a fixed fee or a budget will be agreed upon.