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Fields of activity

Criminal law

Whether you are victims (civil party) or pre-trial, we are able to assist you in hearings before the criminal courts. In this respect, we will accompany you throughout the procedure, from the hearing before the police to the appearances before the competent jurisdictions.

Our specialisations:

  • Criminal law
  • Criminal procedure
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Urban planning and real estate law

Whether you are an entrepreneur, architect, real estate developer, subcontractor, owner,… we will assist you in the review of contracts and discussing with our customers the crucial issues of ten year guarantee, contractual and extra-contractual liability of stakeholders as well as hidden or apparent defects.
Surrounded by technical advice, we also assist you with amicable and judicial expertise and defend your point of view.
We also assist our clients during sales, property acquisition, condominium meetings,…
Finally, we also intervene before the State Council, in the context of appeals against planning permits.

Our specialisations :

  • Administrative law
  • Property and co-ownership law
  • Easements
  • Usufructuary
  • Surface area
  • Privilege and mortgage law
  • Construction law
  • Co-ownership – Neighbourhood conflict
  • Management of acquisitions or sale of property
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Tenancy law

As an owner or tenant, many difficulties can result from the execution of a lease contract. We are able to assist you both in the drafting of the lease contract and in the recovery of unpaid rent, the eviction of a recalcitrant tenant, improper termination of the contract, recovery of the rental guarantee,…
We deal with both civilian leases and commercial leases.

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Liability and insurance law

Our firm is composed of lawyers specialising in liability and insurance law. Whether you are an individual, a victim (with or without a “legal protection” insurance) or a professional (insurance companies, commercial companies, public authorities,…), legal assistance will be provided by our lawyers in order to best meet your needs.

Our specialisations :


  • Traffic law – third-party insurance – motor vehicles,…:
    You have committed a speeding offence, skipped a traffic light, driven under the influence of alcohol,…: we will ensure your criminal defense. You have been involved in a traffic accident which has resulted in bodily injury, death or property damage: you need a lawyer specialised in this matter, to ensure you will be properly defended if your responsibility is under investigation. Your insurer wishes to exercise recourse action against you: we check if it is in the conditions to do so and we contest all or part of their request, depending on factual circumstances.
  • Bodily injury :
    You have been a victim of a traffic accident while driving. You, or a member of your family, is a pedestrian, cyclist or passenger of a vehicle. You have been the victim of a fire, an explosion, an assault,… You have been the victim of an accident at work… We will take care of the procedure, the follow-up of the medical expertise and the assessment of your injury or that of your loved ones. We will be responsible for seeking assistance on your behalf from the Commission for assistance to victims of intentional acts of violence.
  • Family liability insurance :
    Your child causes damage to third parties, or “borrows” your vehicle for a ride when he is under 18: we explain the scope of your insurance policy, and we defend you.
  • Home Insurance :
    Your home has been stolen from and the insurer disputes the amount of your damage or the reality or circumstances of the theft. You are a victim of water damage or fire…
  • Professional responsibility :
    We take care of the procedures to question the responsibility of your doctor, the hospital, your salesman, your car mechanic, your accountant, your lawyer or your architect or we defend you when your responsibility is investigated.
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Trade law

Our office brings together a number of lawyers specialised in the field of commercial law.
Our associates can provide legal advice prior to the establishment of new business relationships. You can also turn to our firm to resolve any commercial disputes that arise.
The many years of experience of Mr Bernard DEWIT in China have allowed our firm to develop a particular expertise regarding the assistance of the Chinese traders wishing to deploy their commercial activities in Europe, and the representation of the interests of the European traders wishing to develop their trade relations with China.

Among other examples, we can assist you in the following steps:

  • Drafting and examination of different types of commercial agreements (distribution contracts, commission and commercial agency contracts, franchise agreements, service contracts, delivery and sales contracts, etc.)
  • Drafting and examination of the general conditions of the company
  • Negotiation for the conclusion of commercial contracts or in the context of commercial disputes
  • Consumer law
  • Business practices
  • E-commerce
  • Trade procedures.
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Company law

A number of Dewit Law Office associates are dedicated to corporate law. In this context, we assist both companies and non-profit organisations, through professional advice and efficient representation of your interests in any disputes that may arise.

The many years of experience of Mr Bernard Dewit in China have allowed our firm to develop special expertise in assisting Chinese businessmen active in Belgium and representing the interests of European companies wishing to become established in China.

Among other examples, we can assist you in the following steps:

  • Creation of companies
  • Drafting of Due Diligence
  • Joint ventures
  • Corporate housekeeping
  • Corporate governance
  • Settlement of disputes
  • Reorganisations
  • Acquisitions
  • Associations, foundations and non-profit associations.
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Disciplinary law

Our lawyers will accompany you in your disciplinary authority whether you are a doctor, pharmacist, psychologist, architect, real estate agent, police officer,…
Disciplinary law is mainly aimed at the defence of professions regulated by disciplinary or deontological codes such as lawyers, notaries, doctors, pharmacists, psychologists, real estate agents, accountants, architects, etc.
The firm advises these professionals as part of their professional responsibility. In the case of proceedings before disciplinary bodies, the firm represents and defends their interests.

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Social law

Whether you are an employer or an employee, we can assist you as soon as a legal problem appears to have arisen. In this regard, the firm is committed to advising you and presenting solutions adapted to your social disputes, both in terms of an illness or an incapacity for work due to an accident at work, as well as in the case of dismissal or resignation. The firm is also willing to establish your employment contracts, calculate your notice pay and organise the terms of a dismissal.

Our specialisations:

  • Work and employment contract
  • Workplace accidents
  • Individual redundancy
  • Social security law
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Business law

Business law mainly concerns company and contract law, but also intellectual property, tax law, etc. With a permanent office in China, we work closely with the Chinese authorities and companies wishing to set up in Belgium. We have therefore acquired experience in the management and administration of these companies and assist them on a daily basis in their administrative procedures and in the resolution of their disputes.

Our specialisations :

  • NPOs & Foundations
  • Commercial practice
  • Patents
  • Trademarks and designs
  • Competition law
  • Banking and credit law
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Arbitration and mediation

Judicial proceedings are sometimes long and costly. Faced with this, several alternative procedures exist, including mediation and arbitration.
These procedures allow parties to the dispute to put an end to their dispute, with the help of a neutral third party, without going before the Courts and Tribunals.
Mediation can therefore be exercised in many areas, including family law, social law, civil law, commercial law, etc.
As Mr DEWIT is a certified mediator for civil and commercial matters, he intends to promote this method of amicable dispute resolution.

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Debt collection

Payment arrears are becoming increasingly important and creditors are left in debt to recalcitrant debtors. The firm assists you in the steps to be taken if you have to deal with unpaid amounts or invoices, whether this is in the context of a pre-litigation phase (letter of formal notice, negotiation, payment plan, …) only in the context of the contentious (judicial procedure) and post-litigation (bailiff, various seizures, …) phases.
This matter is of crucial importance for any activity that it is exercised by a company or a natural person.

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