Bernard Dewit

Degree in Law from the Catholic University of Louvain in 1978
Member of the Brussels Bar since 1978
Former member of the Council of the French Bar Association of Brussels
President of the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce. (BCECC)
Secretary General of Europe China OBOR Culture & Tourism Development Committee
Mediator accredited by the Brussels Business Mediation Centre. n 1 )
Foreign Arbitrator approved by the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
Visiting Lecturer at the Catholic University Faculties of Mons (Fucam)
Decorated with the Friendship Award granted by the Chinese government
Certified expert of State Administration of foreign Experts Affair P.R. China
Languages : French, Dutch, English
Preferred subjects : Insurance law, civil liability, bodily injury, construction law, heritage law, contract law, national and
international arbitration, foreign investment, commercial law, transport law, Chinese law